PineRock Blog

How to Repurpose Video for Content Marketing

Written by Joe Doyon | 11/1/19 5:34 PM

Having the time and resources to create quality content is a major challenge for lots of companies. Video content is one of the most powerful forms of media for internet marketing and is going to become more crucial as time goes on and technology progresses. Understanding how you can repurpose one piece of video content into multiple pieces of content can have a big impact on the ROI you get from your content marketing efforts.

 Why You Need to Prioritize Video Content

Video is one of the most dominant forms of online content

Source: Oberlo

Not having a video marketing strategy incorporated into your overall marketing strategy means you could be leaving lots of money and exposure on the table.

YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world after Google for a reason.

Video has a high demand and can help increase engagement. For brands, it’s a great opportunity to make the brand seem more personable by attaching a name, voice, and name to the content. People like to talk to and engage with people.

In addition, it allows a brand to connect to its audience through different channels.

According to Forbes Insights, 91% of companies making over $500 million in revenue are using digital video, making it the top form of digital advertising content for companies of that size.

You don’t want to neglect video if you’re serious about your marketing efforts.

Video Is Critical for Social Media Video Production and Marketing







Video is key for promoting cohesive and effective brand awareness across different social media channels.

The average internet user has an average of 5.54 social media accounts and four times as many people would rather watch a video about a product than read it.

Different consumers are going to have different preferences for how they consume content so relying on only one type of content means leaving a lot of people out of it.

Marketing is an ever-evolving discipline and social media trends now play a massive role in how brands must strategize and allocate their marketing resources and efforts.

Relying on old video trends is a recipe for disaster in a fast-changing business environment.

Video Is a Highly Effective Form of Engagement and Traffic

Video has to be prioritized because video simply works. Take a look at some of these statistics about video marketing: 

  • 90% of consumers claim a video will help them make a purchasing decision. (Social Media Today)
  • Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. (G2 Crowd)
  •  The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video. (Oberlo)
  • Viewers are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video, compared to 10 percent when reading it in text format. (Forbes).
  • A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video. (Insivia)
  • 52% of marketers say video content has the best ROI. (Hubspot)
  • Video on landing pages can increase conversion rates by over 80%. (Unbounce)
  • Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year. This increased quality of leads could be because of the quality of education that video content brings. (Oberlo)
  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. (Hubspot)
  • 75% of all video plays are on mobile devices. (eMarketer)

How to Repurpose Your Corporate Video Production into Other Formats?

One of the best ways to repurpose video content is to convert it to a different medium like a podcast.

There are different kinds of video content you can produce for your brand.

  • Explainer/How-To Videos
  • Product Reviews/Demos
  • Event Video
  • Customer Testimonials
  • Livestreams
  • Interviews

Depending on the type of video you’re working with, it might be better to choose a certain option when it comes to repurposing it.

Try and use your best judgment to decide how best it would translate to another medium.

How to Repurpose Your Video Content into a Podcast

Converting a video into a podcast is one of the most straightforward ways of converting video content. All you’re doing is taking the video and using only the audio.

Podcasts are great because they’re growing in popularity and a lot of people want to consume content passively by listening instead of reading or watching something.

One of the top platforms for brands who want to podcast is Buzzsprout.

It allows you to host, promote, and track your podcast.

Now using a tool called Audacity you can rip the audio from your video and download it so you can upload it in podcast format.

If you’re going to convert a video to a podcast you’ll want to consider longer videos that are at least 30 minutes in length and go a little more in-depth on a topic.

Interviews are another good type of video for converting to podcast form.

Some other tips for making a video into a podcast are:

  • Make sure the content provides value in the form of education, entertainment or inspiration
  • Focus on one group of topics or one niche so people know what to expect for subject matter
  • When you create the podcast from your video, put in a short and sweet custom intro and outro
  • Make sure the audio quality is good!
Break up longer content into micro content 

You can take longer content and break it down into smaller pieces of content. This is a great way to highlight specific shorter portions of a video for something that’s quicker and easier to consume.

You can make short sound bytes to post on social media and make shorter video clips from the longer pieces of video content you’ve created.

Combine micro content into longer content

You can also combine shorter video clips and compile them into longer videos. If you have videos on a certain topic or along a certain theme, you can combine them into one.

You can also combine videos that compare opposing topics or products. There is a lot of creative room you have for how you want to put your content together.

Redistribute content on different social media channels

Redistributing content on different social media channels relates to breaking up longer content and combining shorter content.

Once you have your main video content and the content you’ve broken up or combined, you can then redistribute them as appropriate on your different social media platforms.

Different social media platforms have their own cultures.  For example, what you might post on Twitter can be very informal and blunt versus something you might post on LinkedIn.

Different platforms also have their own limits and parameters on video size and length.

Use your discretion to decide what type of content fits best for each platform you have a presence on.

Turn still shots from your videos into social media posts

You can take still shots from videos you have and turn them into social media posts on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook etc and a short write up or blurb to accompany the image.

Taking Advantage of Video Marketing

Now that you know the power of video marketing and some ways you can repurpose your content, it’s time to take action and get serious about implementing these strategies.

You have a few options you can take as far as creating and redistributing content.

Depending on the talent and resources you have available it can be a more cost effective and higher ROI option to get some help.

If you can’t do it in-house or your in-house resources are tied up with other functions, you should consider outsourcing your video marketing and taking advantage of a service like PineRock’s very own video production services.

Click here to get in touch with us and let’s discuss how we can help you with getting the most return on your marketing efforts.